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Whats the best stone to use in the bathroom?

Thankfully gone are the days that people choose to Carpet their Bathroom!  I have no problem with carpet, the bathroom?!  Do I really need to explain?

Well just in case: Moisture + Carpet = mold. Although there are a number of carpets available these days that are suitable for high moisture areas, but do you really want carpet?

And what about those accidents by young men who are less than adequately toilet trained?...Yuck!

Many people are now considering stone and this makes a fantastic bathroom surface, but only if you choose the correct type.

The main concerns with stone floors in the bathroom are:

 1. Being a slip hazard,
 2. Soap damage
 3. Stone retaining water leading to mold and deterioration of the stone


This is rated in by an A-C scale, A being most slippery when wet and C being most slip-resistant in wet conditions.  The stone manufacturer should have tested this and have a clear understanding of whether the stone is submersible or not.  All stone used in a shower should be of a submersible standard.
The type of finish the stone has will also affect the slipperiness of the stone - a highly polished stone will be slippery when wet.  Honed or Tumbled files have a matte finish and will give more grip.

Soap Problems:

Stone is a base when rated on an acid base relationship. That means that if it comes in contact with any high PH substance, a chemical staining reaction can occur. Unfortunately many of the soaps and cleansers commonly used in the bathroom are very acidic, and can cause damaging issues if proper precautions are not taken.

Sealing Stone Bathrooms: 

All natural stone materials have some degree of porosity, which means they are susceptible to stains and damage from liquids. To counter this a penetrating below surface sealer should be used to clog the materials pores, and a barrier surface sealer should then be used to create a protective layer over its surface. This needs to be done during and after installation, then every 6-12 months thereafter.

What type of stone will work well in a bathroom?


This is the most durable and dense stone tile flooring available, making it particularly suited to bathrooms. Available in polished, honed, or natural cleft, polished is not recommended as it will be very slippery in this wet environment. Numerous colors and multi-colors are available depending on what the supplier has in stock at any given time. Granite should be sealed during and after installation.


This is a popular choice in bathrooms because it tends to be very attractive in its natural, dimensionally clefted form. That allows you to get the traction benefits of its ridges, while cloaking the bathroom in a wide facade of beautiful, natural, earth created colors. Relatively hard and dense, slate will need to be sealed during and after installation, and then annually as desired. Multicolored materials tend to hide bathroom grime while solid hues makes it easier to find.


This classic looking stone has a medium level of absorbency and durability, making it prone to many of the dangers of the bathroom. Sealing will help, although this will have to be done properly at least once or twice a year to be truly effective. Lighter colored sand and tan hued materials will be particularly vulnerable to damage.


Low durability and medium absorbency, marble is only a good bathroom flooring choice in extremely upscale locations that can absorb the loss and replacement of tiles on a regular basis


This medium durability natural stone is also highly absorbent, making it a particularly bad choice for most bathroom flooring installations. If installed, it should be sealed every six months on a regular basis.

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Whats the best stone to use in the bathroom? Whats the best stone to use in the bathroom? Reviewed by Art of Clean on 15:50 Rating: 5
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