Stone Floor Restoration Cambridge 01223 863 632

What are the white marks on my stone floor? It looks like salt...

Efflorescence is caused when soluble salts and other water dispersive materials come to the surface of a stone floor. We see a lot of effervescence when there is no dam sheet under the floor so you will find that in old houses.

Low temperatures, condensation, moist conditions, rain, dew and water can cause effervescence. It can occur very soon after exposure to moist or cool conditions. This is quite difficult to remove it and if you don't allow the floor to breath after applying the sealant, you will have some problem in the future.

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What are the white marks on my stone floor? It looks like salt... What are the white marks on my stone floor? It looks like salt... Reviewed by Art of Clean on 12:14 Rating: 5
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