Stone Floor Restoration Cambridge 01223 863 632

Stone Floor cleaning and the reason to care

Sometimes you don't notice the subtle changes in your stone flooring. The colour often fades, the grains and veins get darker and before you know it, that floor you treated yourself to a decade ago, looks its age.

That's where we come in.

Art of Clean

Before Art of Clean

Art of Clean

After Art of Clean

This home is privileged to be stone floored throughout and as such, care and concern needs to be given to its upkeep. The wide angle shot below emphasizes the grandiose nature of such a surface. The light that streams in highlights ever nook and cranny and this can, as a result, either bring out the best or the worst in your home.

Art of Clean

With the most up-to-date training available and decades of collective experience, Art of Clean approach every job as a challenge.

Art of Clean

Just look at the white shine that floor now offers. As an entrance hallway, you'd be loathe to turn away.

Floors, like carpets needs attention. It doesn't have to be by the professionals, but it does have to be treated well. A good sweep, a light mopping and drying, these help to keep your floor looking alive, but if you can't find the time and want a thorough job doing, call and we'll be delighted to come.

Art of Clean
 is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at

Stone Floor cleaning and the reason to care Stone Floor cleaning and the reason to care Reviewed by Art of Clean on 09:32 Rating: 5
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